Sunday, August 8, 2010

100 Blogs in 100 Days: (Day 18) - "36"

I wrote the first few paragraphs the morning of my birthday. The last paragraph is from this evening upon my return from the crazy day!

Well, it’s that time of year again. It’s another birthday and you know what? I’m not going to run and hide this year. I’m not going to be sad that I’m a year older and my hair is a little greyer. I’m excited! Don’t get me wrong I’m not exactly thrilled to be a year older, I’m thrilled to have lived another year. I’m elated to be a year wiser. I feel like I learn so much each day that I can hardly imagine how much I’ve learned over a year of being 35.

More than that I think I’m feeling good because 35 was pretty good to me. I’ve acquired more great friends, I’ve tried so many things and I feel more alive than I did at 25 when every day would include little more than basketball, video games and booze. I have more self confidence, better self esteem, and I’m far more witty and charming than I was back then.

I do think about how I viewed this age from way back in the distance of my mid-twenties. I’m sure I foresaw a wife and a kid or two. I didn’t foresee a career, or house or anything like that because I’ve never had good long term vision and you can only realistically see what you know. I came from a poor family that didn’t have much but the love and unity a family brings. Maybe that’s why I can only forsee a family, or perhaps that’s why it’s so important to me. Also, I mentioned how I don’t have great long term vision. I’m great at planning a week or two ahead, organizing and anticipating but as I mentioned a few blogs ago, beyond that, I’m not so good.

I always foresaw a wife though. I thought I’d meet someone and devote my life to her. It doesn’t mean it won’t happen. It’s not like I’m 60 yet but it’s something I’ve thought about. I never foresaw all the crazy things that happened in my life for good or bad. I mean who could? I don’t think now about what crazy stuff will happen to me in a few years.

As I reached the end of a very full and bonkers birthday I can only look back to say thanks. I say thanks to all the people I’ve come across in my lifetime who brought a smile to my face. It doesn’t have to be hundreds of smiles although I probably thank them more profusely, but just one smile is all you need to impact a person’s day, week or even their life. I don’t know what tomorrow brings but I hope it brings smiles.

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