Friday, September 3, 2010

100 Blogs in 100 Days: (Day 44) – “Things That go Bump…”

Ever since I was little I was fascinated by the supernatural. I think part of it was just my natural curiosity in all things cool and mysterious and part of it was the enormous amount of horror and paranormal films I saw as a kid. If you were to ask me today if I believe in ghosts, I’d tell you I don’t know.

I think I really want to believe in them. I watch Ghost Hunters and movies and buy books on the supernatural. But despite all the stories, films and evidence floating around out there my mind won’t let me believe until I have my own experience. It’s funny because I don’t want to have a super scary experience because well it would be scary but at the same time, it would give me that reason to believe so I totally want to have one.

Every time I experience something that seems like it could be paranormal, I debunk or try to try to explain what happened. Most times I can, and those few times I cannot, I find some other logical explanation that does not involve spirits. You’d be surprised how many things you can explain once you really take a deep look at it.

What would happen if someday I had that moment that I deemed to be paranormal? It would blow my mind, that’s for sure. It would completely disarm and reconfigure my entire belief system. Since that’s never happened to me regarding anything I don’t have any idea what that’s like but it sounds pretty scary.

Do you believe in the paranormal? Have you had an experience that convinced you?

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