Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Sprung! (5-4-10)

I’m happy to be alive. I don’t mean that as a direct comment referring to the robbery last week. I mean that in general. I’d say it whether that happened or not but it certainly makes me feel a little extra thankful. I’m loving things because it’s spring. I LOVE SPRING! Every day I check the progress on the trees on my street. The leaves are coming in nicely. There’s the wonderful view of dogs, joggers and bikes all over the neighborhood to help excite me. I know these are good things and the fact that I’m seeing them reminds me of the next 4-5 wonderful months ahead. This is why we tolerate the winters. This is the reason. We Buffaloians celebrate the spring and summer as vibrantly as nearly anyone and I am no exception.

I’ve already begun my football league. We aren’t doing so hot thus far as we are 1-3 and we have a tough doubleheader this Saturday at 1 and 2. I hope we can win both of those games. People are trying really hard so it should come together. On Monday evening I begin kickball season. That is going to be a blast. In a few weeks softball will start. I guess I have the option of playing on Sundays and Tuesdays but I will only commit to Sundays at this time. I’m holding out on Tuesdays because of the Bidwell Park concert series which usually starts in late May or early June. I went to all of the shows last year save one and I even stood in the rain and watched the Outer Circle Orchestra will the sunshine out of hiding by the end of their set.

I’m getting excited to take little day trips, wander around the Falls, say hi to the Animals at the zoo, read under a tree, barbeque, picnic, eat soft serve ice cream, sit in the shade and feel the warm breeze, go to farmer’s markets, lay on the grass and look up at the sky, tan my pasty feet, walk on the boardwalks and lakeshores, try new restaurants, enjoy beloved restaurants and smile in the sunshine. I’m sure there’s so much I’m leaving out.

As with every spring I feel reborn and I have all new hopes and dreams that have blown in on the warming winds. I remember that if we endeavor to follow our dreams that the universe will conspire to help us achieve them.

Despite the uncertainty at work, the incident last week, the Sabres bowing out in the 1st round and some dental issues I feel like things are looking up. I’m out playing sports, listening to great music, seeing great movies, eating nice food, making jokes, laughing, smiling and meeting wonderful new teammates, friends, females and their equally fantastic dogs. Life is good. I hope everyone else is enjoying the spring as much as I’ve been so far.

Lastly for those who missed my show and my post a few days back, my radio show is available to listen to on your computers or on your iPods. I have the show broken down into 3 hours and each part is quickly downloadable and although the audio isn’t high quality and there are a few small gaps between each part, I think you should listen!


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