Sunday, August 29, 2010

100 Blogs in 100 Days: (Day 39) - "untitled"

What a day today was. I’m so exhausted I can barely type. It was nearly non stop and full of fun, good times and lots of sweating. Everything started off with an early Saturday morning wake up call. Then we headed out for our first football action of the season. It was scrimmage day and the day was full of changes. We’ve lost about half our football team from the spring and all the league games have been moved from South Buffalo to UB North campus.

We played 3 half games against 3 different opponents from divisions other than ours. We did alright winning 2 of the 3 mini-games. A few of our new players look very promising and I caught an interception plus 4-5 passes today so I’m happy. Comparing today to when we last played in early June I felt a lot faster out there which makes me happy. We played pretty early but the good thing about it was we returned to the city by 12:30.

My next stop was the Elmwood Festival of the Arts but first I was stuck at home for a while watching Scrubs. I went home to change clothes and get cleaned up but once I flipped on the television, 30 minutes turned into almost 2 hours. Luckily, I made it down there in time to catch what I can only describe as the worst band I’ve ever seen. They were called MC Whizzalot and something else. They were a bunch of older white guys doing basic rap over some 80’s sounding beats. The lead singer/rapper looked like Kevin Federline and used some effect on his voice to make him sound nearly demonic as he rapped. The lyrics were terrible like “No, this ain’t no special occasion, it’s just me having fun with my Caucasians.” Yeah it was bad however, like a trainwreck it was impossible to look away.

After seeing that I made my way around and saw the puppet show I meant to see last month. That was very cool and I kind of teared up a little at the end. Luckily with my sunglasses on, no one was the wiser. After that I found my way over to see some classic jazz and finally over to the food court where I had a nice wrap.

After my 2nd smoothie I left abruptly to change clothes yet again in order to make it out to the battle @ Buffalo. The battle is basically an open competition between breakdancers and all styles dancers. I went with 3 of my friends and the room was packed and hot as hell. I commented that I probably sweat more during that 3 hour show than I did during the football in the morning. It really was like a sauna in there but damn was the dancing hot too. I highly recommend the battle to anyone who wants to see some fly moves. They occur the last Saturday of every month.

As I drift in and out of consciousness this evening I really look forward to another day at the festival tomorrow and it’s going to be the first day of 5 very hot days. Perhaps it’s summer’s last hurrah. This sentence surely will be mine… for today.

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