I found myself fluctuating between having my mouth hanging open and smiling like a complete dork. There was no middle ground. At times I wished I had a remote so I could hit pause and then get up and run down the aisles screaming THIS IS AWESOME!!! I’ve had this moment a few times at the movies. I believe it has happened when I saw Pulp Fiction, The Matrix, Fight Club, Clerks, Princess Bride, High Fidelity and perhaps a few others.
If you look at the list I just gave you and then looked at a list of my favorite movies, you’d see that all of these are on them. I’m talking about that glorious moment when you’ve seen something that is going to be added to the list. While you are watching it you just know you are in the midst of something magical and maybe you even try to find a minute of non importance somewhere in the film so you can savor the ride because when it’s over, while you’ll feel amazing for being part of that magic and discovering the greatest thing ever that week, you’ll also know that it is over and you cannot re-watch it for the first time. I know this because it’s happened before. It happened last night.
Do you want to know how I know when I’ve seen a movie that is destined to become one of my all time favorites? It’s pretty simple. I know it is when I want to see it again as soon as it ends. I mean as soon as the credits start rolling give me 2 minutes to collect myself and start that sucker up again. I know I can’t relive that maiden voyage but the 2nd time will be better than the 3rd time which will be better than the 4th time and when that 2nd time happens right after the first time maybe we can convince ourselves that it is one long memorable experience instead of 2 separate ones where the first experience might have been a touch better. Basically, we want to hold onto that moment for as long as possible.
So can you tell I went and saw Scott Pilgrim vs. the World last night? I LOVE that film. I fell in love with Ramona Flowers the second she appeared on screen. I want my own Ramona Flowers now although I don’t want to fight 7 exes for her. She’s pretty awesome though so I’d fight a couple. I should post a disclaimer though; I’ve always been attracted to artsy females. I haven’t had too much luck with them because I am part jock but they often find my sensitive and artistic side endearing. Back to the film, every single character in it had either a great moment or great line. That is so hard to accomplish in film. Plus the editing was so stellar that after you got through the opening which was only a little bit slow but had to be to establish the key elements, the movie just took off and never stopped. I told someone I saw it with that there was no fat in this film and there wasn’t. If you’ve seen it can you tell me where there was a slow period, or a lull? That’s right, other than the beginning there wasn’t and as I said you have to start off slow, introduce the people, places and things and get that solid foundation before you can take off. It’s true most of the time. Plus while the groundwork for the film was being laid in the beginning, it was still funny and entertaining while you are trying to figure things out.
I really can’t say enough good things about the film and I know it’s an acquired taste that some wouldn’t like because of the style and plot but if you’ve seen a trailer for it and thought it looked interesting, what are you waiting for?
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