Have you ever been having a rotten day that's so rotten you don't even want to leave the house? Somehow you do leave the house, not because you want to but because you have to. While out in such a crabby mood you encounter people and maybe whether you realize it or not, you influence THEIR mood. I don't know about you but when I am walking down the street and someone storms by in a pissy fashion, I feel their energy. I find it to be a bummer. On the other hand, when someone walks by feeling like a million bucks with a smile as wide as can be, it makes me smile, maybe not as wide but I feel their energy too and it makes me feel good. I'm not saying that everyone should don't worry be happy, because I know it's not that easy but what I am saying is that I believe we are all connected and thus we should consider that when we encounter each other on a daily basis. If you have reason to be upset, then you are going to be upset but try not to take your anger out on someone else, whether they are someone you care for or a complete stranger.
I hate bad juju. I don't even like to talk about negative energy, bad karma or bad attitudes. That stuff stays with you. Well so does joy. Joy is just as powerful. It reminds me of in Empire Strikes Back when Luke asks Yoda if the dark side of the force is stronger than the light side. Yoda replies; No. Quicker, easier, more seductive. Sure the bad energy can be more powerful in terms of consequences but joy can bring about miracles. It can inspire people to do miraculous things and love deeper than anyone thought possible.
These days I keep score. I pay attention to where bad energy comes from as well as joy. I stay away from those who give off the bad and I am attracted to those who give off the good. I don't care if a person is flawed, broken, has problems or whatever, if they have a good heart and do the right things when it counts they are cool with me.
When I go out into the world and consume I really keep score. If I go to a restaurant and the server is mean and awful, a lot of times I won't go back even though I know it's an employee and not the actual place that was that way. If I go to a store, or bar or any establishment and run into the bad juju, chances are you won't see me there again. Conversely, I love Caffe Aroma because one of my favorite professional people is there. She always greets you with a smile and takes pride in what she does. She makes up her own names for the drinks and even when she has bad stuff going on in her life, she won't let that intercede with the moment. She treats each moment as precious. Now that's joy! I love going to places where the people take pride in what they do, whether it's a doctor or a janitor. That's an admirable trait and that joy gives me joy. If I were to go get a drink at the Caffe and she is there, I always walk out with a smile on my face, even if I didn't have one when I came in just because her energy is so great. I wish there were more people like that out there.
You've heard the cliché: "A smile is contagious, pass it around." It's SO true! When you go out today, if things are okay and if you are able, smile and wear that smile for a while and see what happens. You might just make someone's day!
-"Life is like a mirror, we get the best results when we smile at it."
-"Everyone smiles in the same language."
-"The shortest distance between two people is a smile."
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