I found myself listening to Hall and Oates today at work and I was doing the Darryl Hall sway in my chair. To those beyond the sound of my headphones, they might have thought well, who cares what they thought right? The important thing was I was using my Private Eyes to view the Kiss on my List while saying I Can’t Go For That to a Maneater. What about the Rich Girl? Well She’s Gone because she went One on One with someone who adheres to the Method of Modern Love so she Did it in a Minute. The whole thing made Sara Smile as I told her that You Make My Dreams Come True.
Now the previous paragraph proves one thing: I have too much time on my hands, or maybe two things, I am also a big dork. You know what? That’s fine. I’m a nerd and I’m pretty proud of it. As I’ve gotten older, my need to be cool has gone the same way as my need to fit in… on a first class flight to Gonesville. I don’t hide my love for things “uncool” anymore and I don’t care if I’m the only one who likes something. I wear black socks in the face of more standard fluffy white ones. I drink Pina Coladas and smoothies in the face of beer and Jack Daniels and I extend feelings instead of grunts yet I am still all man.
I say if you like things that are unusual or against the grain you gotta own it. You gotta walk with your head held high. Who is to say what’s cool? Actually if someone were to criticize or poke fun at you for what you like they are either a follower who prefers to go with the grain and can’t understand any different or simply an a-hole who has issues of their own that make them lash out at people who are different than they are. Either way, neither is to be taken seriously.
I’ve often heard people say there’s no accounting for taste. That’s snob talk man. That’s the kind of stuff that squashes creativity and individuality. I say this because I’ve been on both sides of the fence and one side is not better than the other, but if you think one side is, you’re wrong. Don’t be afraid to be you. If you want to follow the trends and do the popular things, enjoy! If you want to blaze your own trail and be an original, enjoy! No one is right and no one is wrong. Find your bliss I say.
If you want to listen to Hall and Oates, own it and dance along if you feel the need. If you want to rock out to Huey Lewis and the News, you should be beaten with a designer baseball bat. Huey Lewis? Really? What’s wrong with you? You’ve crossed the line! The Heart of Rock n Roll stopped beating in 1991. Huey Lewis sucks.
Gotcha! That was a test! We all know it’s Hip to be Square!
What “uncool” thing do you like or like to do?
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