Saturday, August 5, 2017

Thank you

"Thank you"

Have you ever met someone so awful
so selfish
so terrible
that you wanted to thank them?
They made you so angry
your hands became fists
your blood boiled 
and your eyelids twitched
But afterwards
you’re kinda glad you crossed paths 
and thankful they exist… 
wait, what?
You’re left confused that someone who annoyed you 
could have meaning in your life
but I’m here to tell you why

There’s a reason we wake up in the morning 
That’s nature’s way of showing us the bright side
I know the secret as to why life is so good
because it isn’t good all the time
Where would we be 
without a little difficulty? 
We’d get bored, weak and crazy
The bumps in the road 
and the people who have the guts to tell us no 
help us grow
I mean
I haven’t learned much of anything from those who always agree.
Who nod their heads
fill me full of hot air 
and follow me

Our failures… 
Being wrong
falling down
they make us stronger
and that character we now embrace 
wouldn’t exist if everything fell into place
Could you truly have any joy 
without first feeling pain?
We wouldn’t know the first thing about sunny days 
until it rains
I’m not saying to embrace the storm
you should try to keep warm
But running inside to stay dry 
wouldn’t mean a thing without gray skies
I wouldn’t know the joy of work 
without the stains in my shirts
I wouldn’t know the value of sweat 
without having my body hurt
No pain
no gain
I look at all this knowledge I’ve gained 
and I just have to say

Am I looking forward to the pain? 
but we need some of these things
just not in extremes
I’m not talking about death or war
a lifetime alone 
or hopelessly poor
but you gotta go through at least one heartbreak 
to know what your heart is for…
You have to lose something 
to understand what finding it means
wouldn’t mean that much without a nightmare or two
Strange as it seems
they’re good for you
You have to let things out 
to know what was there
because courage is meaningless 
until you’re scared

We need a yin to our yang
a balance to attain
we need to know 
that we’re not alone
what good is climbing the tallest peak 
without anyone to share it
What good is a smile 
if you’re the only one who wears it?
If you give someone a gift
you’re the one who’s gifted
If you want a better perspective in life
then you have to flip it
What would coffee be without mornings?
What would a destination be without the ride?
We have to get embarrassed a few times 
before we can know anything about pride
As much as I want to overcome adversity
a little bit goes a long way 
to understanding the value of better days
What I’m trying to say 
is we have to get through the hard times
to find the good ones
to find the best ones

So I wish you a few bumps in the road 
so you can learn to survive them
so you can learn to appreciate when the path is smooth
what winning is like after you lose
The next time you go through 
a rough patch 
when you come out the other end
You’re going to come out wiser 
if you embrace the lesson 

I say thank you to those who are always in a rush
you remind me to enjoy my pace
Those who speak without thinking remind me to embrace 
my words
and those who hate show us the value of love
The louder you get
the tighter we hug
We’ll never let the darkness ruin our days
because nights only have half the say
so when your head hangs low
just know
the sun is coming
the bright side is on its’ way

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