There are these people who walk among us. They’re a little
different. I mean, they look like the rest of us, talk like us and even act
like us most of the time. But sometimes they are more than us and that’s what
makes them different. That and the constant fire in their souls. They live a stirring,
dynamic existence that often leaves a memorable impression on us. They
provide the deepest memories and are often beloved in their circles. I often
refer to these people as people who sparkle. I say that because when they are
going, when they are interested, when they are doing what they do their eyes
sparkle in a way that other people’s do not. If you look for it and you’re
around the right person, you can definitely see it. The look in their eyes when
they are “into it” is beautiful and even sometimes borders on fanatical or crazy looking. You can see
their energy levels rise rapidly and their body language shift. Maybe you’ve
encountered some of these people. They are the creative souls, the movers, the
doers and the people who get things done, usually with a smile. They don’t sit around lamenting the
choices in their lives; they are more likely out there living them and chasing
their dreams. They often live in the moment and are usually some of the
nicest and fun people you’ll ever meet.
They aren’t perfect people, mind you, as their impulsiveness
and risk taking can sometimes backfire but that won’t stop them. People can
take advantage of them and hurt them because they are usually coming from a
genuine place and can be oblivious to other people’s hidden motives or insecurities. Sparkle people don't have time for hidden motives and insecurities! When they
do get knocked down, however infrequent, they usually get right back up and
attack life all over again. Sometimes they can have trouble with relationships
because people just can’t keep up with them or people just can’t give them the
amount of space they need to pursue the things they need to pursue. Never try
to change or control these people! They can be workaholics and they can be some
of the most creative people you know. Their energy can be infectious and
frightening all at the same time. If you ever tried to get one of these people
to sit down and do absolutely nothing for an hour or two, watch out! They’ll
get antsy quickly.
Another thing you should be careful about is if you ever
have a good idea around these people... you better mean it! They will not only
encourage you to do it, but if it’s an idea for a group or something they can
get into with you, they’ll want to get right into it. All those people out
there who are all talk and no action stay away from the people with sparkles in their eyes. They are both intimidated and afraid of them because sparkle
people will call their bluff. Sparkle people will want to do it and
get right to it. They are impressed with dynamic ideas for sure but following
them through to fruition really gets them going because they know there is as
much if not more fun in the action as there are in the ideas. To them an
experience is both a way to better memories and a better chance to obtain
knowledge than what an idea on its own presents.
I admire these people for that sparkle in their eyes. I
think I have it too, but it’s not really for me to say. You can’t tell people
about your sparkle the same way you can’t tell someone you are very attractive.
As we know, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I’ve met women who think I am
cute as hell and others who think I’m yuck. It is what it is. But I think if I
am one of the sparkle people, I make it harder to identify me as one because I
try to hide it. I don’t know if I do it intentionally or not, subconsciously
maybe. My over analytical side is often in direct conflict with my sparkle. I
try to think and overthink things while my soul gets antsy. In one of my oldest
poems I refer to my “dull dryness often being at odds with my frosted side”
like that cereal where only one half of each piece is frosted. Some people are
frosted all over and I both envy (in a good way) and love them. They inspire me to seek out my
own sparkle. They inspire me to write, to think and to live. So this is for
them. To all you people with a sparkle in your eye, keep shining.
Ed. note: To all my facebook friends who I tagged for this
blog you were the first people I thought of when I started writing this.
I’ve actually looked into your eyes at some point and saw the sparkle. You are the sparkliest of the sparkly. For those I didn’t tag, no
worries… I think you have some sparkle; I just wanted to highlight those people
who I think have the most. Sparkle is a beautiful thing and if you wanna get
yourself some here are ways to do it: 1-Start appreciating stuff! 2-Stop talking
about it and do it. 3-Don’t get too caught up in your head- doubts and excuses live there.
4-Live! 5-Get off your ass. While I think the sparkliest people are born with
it, I think if you can incorporate a little into your life, however much you
can handle, it will make things richer, more meaningful and you will feel more
alive than you’ve ever felt.
Lastly, I am starting to write a poem about people with the
sparkle in their eyes and I will debut it Wednesday night at the Ashker’s open
mic, 7:30pm. Those tagged, come down in person and hear me talk about you, otherwise I’ll be
talking about you behind your backs. :)
haha!!Thank you Eddie, I'm honored to be considered so sparkly <3 I know you have it too- you don't hide it as well as you think :)