Whenever someone would say the word Falcon I would always associate it with Han Solo’s spaceship. You could be talking about the bird, the football team from Atlanta or a television show and the thought that would pop in there 10 times out of 10 is the Millennium Falcon. After tonight I think I’d still think of the Millennium Falcon 9 times out of 10 but now that 1 other time I’d think of the Maltese Falcon.
If you think that I may feel this way because I just saw that movie, you are correct. I went tonight as part of the UB film seminar and saw the classic film on the big screen. Once again the movie series provided another winner as it was easy to see why the film is as highly regarded as it is. The direction by legendary director John Huston, in his first film, was great plus nearly every main character was well played and worthy of praise. Bogart especially showed me a lot. I’ve only seen a handful of his films but with each additional one I see, the more I’m convinced of his greatness as an actor. While I don’t think he was as good in the Maltese Falcon as he was in another highly acclaimed Huston film, The African Queen, I think his performance was in the same neighborhood.
For someone like me who grew up in a house where “classics” were films from the 70’s, going to these films each week is a great film education. I’m catching up on many real classics during the last 2 years and there’s still a ton that I have to see. Next week’s film is another one I’ve never seen but I can’t wait to… North by Northwest by Hitchcock!
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