In my battle to lose weight I’ve decided it might help me to reach my goals if I wrote about them on occasion. As you might have guessed, this is one of those occasions. The way I feel about it is a few visual aids can’t hurt right? We think in language and if I used certain words and terms here, broke them down and even classified them it might help to reinforce intentions and thinking. It might put a thought in my mind about certain foods that hopefully will allow me to make better choices going forward. So with that in mind, if I print this list out and keep it around I’ll have a constant reminder of what I need to consume more, less and none of.
I broke it down into 3 categories which you’ll see below. Foods I need to consume more are things that I don’t eat often but really should find the time and make the effort to eat more. Also of note is that my lists are flooded with Edwin realism. What I mean is there are things that are good for me that could be added to the list (like Spinach) but I don’t like to eat them. What I did was isolate things I like or can tolerate and put those on the list making it more realistic that I’d reach the goal. Conversely I put down awful things I do historically like to eat in great quantity instead of listing things I rarely eat because cutting down on foods I don’t touch will not be of great service to the mission. I very rarely eat bacon so putting it down on my list of things to avoid is meaningless. Without further ado:
1. Foods I need to eat more of: Everything on this list I like when I do eat them but don’t eat much because I find them boring, awkward or I make some other excuse.
-Blueberries: Blueberries are full of the good stuff and they make your tongue temporarily bluey. What’s better than that? I love any food or drink that will turn my tongue blue.
-White Rice: simple, easy, nutritious
-Fish: Omega 3, protein and every time I eat fish I hear that singing fish telling me not to eat that filet o’fish. Now that’s incentive!
-Coconut: I LOVE coconut. There are some good fats in there. I just have to make sure that my intake is not just Almond Joys.
-Dark Chocolate: I used to keep a large bar around and I’d eat a small square or two each day last summer but I got out of the habit of it.
-Yams: I love yams but I don’t like preparing them. Eating yams or sweet potatoes when I’m out doesn’t work either because they either coat them in butter and honey or they give you a sweet butter/honey sauce to dip them in which is bad news and ruins a good thing.
-Oatmeal: I get bored with oatmeal sometimes so maybe I just need to find ways to spruce it up without adding anything harmful to it.
-V-8: Normally I would tell you I really dislike the taste of V-8 but those people have come a long way in their taste technology as they have these new combo flavors with all the old benefits. I recently found this pomegranate blueberry one and a strawberry banana one that are DEElicious.
2. Foods I need to eat once in a while: These are high volume treats I really enjoy. To cut them out would be cruel. We should always enjoy the things we like to eat or drink but we must also be responsible. These things can still be enjoyed and life can still be good but the laws of moderation must be utilized. This will be the hardest of the 3 lists to stay true to but I know I can do it.
-Pizza: I don’t eat pizza like I used to, but when I have some I should really make sure it’s one slice instead of two.
-Burgers: I love me some burgers. I probably average 3-5 a month. Perhaps I can reduce that intake to 1-2 a month. But it is truly hard for me to resist the seduction of a tasty burger.
-Ice Cream: Call me Mister Softie. This is something I’ve already cut down on a great deal but there’s always room for improvement. I love me some soft serve though.
-Brownies: Every once in a while I get a craving for brownies. One good thing is that I never make them in my place anymore. That’s key. But occasionally when I am at a corner store type place I end up getting a square of Little Debbie or a similar kind. That I think needs to end. If I’m going to enjoy one once in a blue moon, I should make sure it’s a high quality brownie.
-Chinese Takeout: I love to eat Chinese food and I probably order once or twice a week. I’m thinking a few times a month might be better.
-Pasta: Call me Eddie bag o donuts. I like to indulge in the pasta semi-frequently. One of the things I’ve done lately is I’ve added a lot of veggies to the sauce when I have pasta so I feel like I need to eat less. Better to load up on the veggies than the pasta.
-Cookie: If the cookie monster can cut down, I guess I can too. But I must insist that C is still for cookie and I still believe that it is good enough for me.
-Fries: I used to eat fries often but now it’s gotten rare. I even turned down some at work recently!
3. Foods I need to stay away from like the plague:
-Cheesecake, Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, Swedish Fish, Donuts, Pop Tarts, Potato Chips, Popcorn
These are all things I would partake in pretty heavily back in the day. I’ve pretty much cut them out of my life but I do miss some of them.
So there are my lists. I did this for me, so I can remind myself what to do when cravings occur and my willpower is tested. I don’t want to lose track of the big goal: Get thin, get sexy and find my queen.
I’d love to hear your stories about things you might want to eat more, less and not at all.
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