Sunday, October 13, 2024

redefining beauty

It's really interesting with how we redefine beauty as we get older. If I could compare notes with me at 25 right now, I think we'd have very different ideas. I'm talking about all of it, physical beauty, natural beauty, artistic beauty, etc. Nowadays, I find things absolutely beautiful that I would never give the time to back then, sometimes even things you cannot see. They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder and to an extent this is true, but eventually we learn that beauty extends far beyond our eyes. I've smelled beauty. I felt beauty. I've heard beauty. I used to place the highest of value on physical beauty or looks but boy that has changed. For one, I met more than enough ugly people who look amazing and even more so, I've seen how physical beauty is fleeting because of age. As part of my continued life education and evolution, I have had to redefine what beauty is to me. In our society, we're led to believe beauty is youth. Magazines are adorned with 20-something year old supermodels and celebrities. We’re constantly told how to “hide” lines, wrinkles, spots and grays. We’re given anti-aging tips and offered products that can help in this endeavor, and they sell like hotcakes. As humans we fear getting old, probably because of our even bigger fear of dying. Getting old means getting closer to that sweet by and by. So we are sold this superficial bill of goods but as we know, time is undefeated. We are gonna get older. 

They also used to say beauty is only skin deep. But what happens when the skin gets weathered, or lines and wrinkles appear? Where does the beauty go? I could argue that it never went anywhere, but we did.